Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I happened to be on the back deck when I saw a burst of orange...a Bullock's Oriole! Kin to the Baltimore Oriole, but the western version. He was beautiful! He even sat at my hummingbird feeder! One more bird to add to my life list...soooo excited!!!

***Remember, make your own hummingbird food; one part sugar/four parts water. Store bought food is a waste of money and time and can be harmful to your hummers!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


So, I haven't posted anything in a while because I was out of town. I did see a few notables while I was in Missouri. I saw a male and female American Goldfinch and a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird at mt parents' feeder. But the most exciting siting in a while was the Calliope
Hummingbird this morning at MY feeder! The ground is still snow covered from late season snow, but we are having constant melt off because of warm days. I read in our local newspaper that the hummers were in town and to put out feeders even if it was cold. Sure enough, they came!

Calliope Hummingbirds are migrators here in Colorado on their way to northern Mexico. They are used to being at high elevations hence it makes sense that they would be here early in the season. The beautiful male was at my feeder and although the lighting was bad, his profile definitely showed the distended bib and his size is roughly like that of the Rufous Hummingbird (who don't arrive until August.)

(Just a note about hummingbird feeders...if you buy a feeder, PLEASE make your own sugar water!! It's way cheaper and the red dye in store bought feeders can be harmful to the hummingbirds. The red on your feeder will attract the hummingbirds just as well as having red liquid in the feeder. The recipe I use is 4 parts water to 1 part sugar. They love it and it takes about five minutes to make. Put the water over heat and add the sugar. Stir and wait for the sugar to dissolve, which is normally before it boils. Wait for the water to cool before you pour into your feeder.)