Sunday, April 4, 2010

Birding as a Hobby

So, after 14 years of bird watching, I'm finally putting it down on paper. I love the hobby and I'm in a perfect place for it, Colorado. I started bird watching in central Florida with my Aunt Sandra. The first place I went birding was Black Point Wildlife Drive in Titusville, FL. We saw a plethora of ducks including Northern Pintails, Blue-Wing Teal and Northern Shovelers. That day really made me want to pursue birding. Not only do you get to be out in nature, but the identifying part was fun! I got myself the Golden Guide of Birds and was off!

The Golden Guide is great and should be the first birding book you get. I also have the Audobon Guide for Eastern Birds, a field guide for Colorado Birds and the Sibley Guide for Western Birds. I always try to keep a set of binoculars in the car and a field guide; you never know what you're going to see! One of the basics of birding that I learned from my aunt is to always check out power lines and telephone wires and posts. These are good places to see birds and look for raptors.

My purpose in this blog is to share my day to day birding experiences, pictures, basic birding tips that I find useful and unusual birds I see. I also intend on going some different places and hikes to be able to seek out more birds and adding some new species to my lifelist. This should be fun!

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